Picked up the boat last weekend. Still rigging it. They've done the impossible. They improved on what I was sure was the perfect river boat. It was a great visit and cool to finally see the plant where these boats are born. They truly have a first class operation over there. They built me an all aluminum Trailer (2nd one ever made for a Supreme), and made the trademark Supreme Stripe, silver with a blue outline. It looks freaking amazing! Fit and finish is much nicer now vs my old boat. I think there is also more glass so it feels heavier which is good and bad... I'm not going to line-x this one so hopefully it's close to the same weight. I'm Super duper proud to own this rig! The biggest complaint is the attention it gets everywhere I've taken it. I want to get a pamphlet to pass out that says It’s 20 feet long, It does about 22-25mph, runs really really shallow, and Thanks I love the boat too!
Mike, your 207XP will literally float on top of the water, will run in 3" all day long and yes they draw lots of attention at stops along the way between home and water. No telling how many times I've had people to come up slowly, you could tell they wanted to say something, and politely tell me, sir do you know part of your motor has fallen off

(then you have to tilt up motor to show the impeller) Rob's boats are heavier and made stronger than the older boats, lots of glass, removes all the resin they can as boat is "rolled" in mold. Has a transom that you could hang a 200hp on.
Rob Williams and crew are class act, not only glad to be a client but count them as friends, (Rob would adopt my son, Sam) first thing he ask when I pull up, how's Sam and then shakes my hand, then invites me to come to church with him on Sunday.