Got out yesterday for the first time since Jan.10th and hit the river for about 3 hrs. I mostly wanted to retreive a new 10 inch Hellhound I lost while bank fishing(which i did retreive). Was tossing a new 10 in. Plastic Tullibie to start and had the same fish follow twice, the second time she took a swipe at the boat, but I missed. Changed to the 8in. H.H. with a 747 rubber tail on back and scored a mid 30 fish. Great hit and beautifully spotted fish, my first for January.
Felt great to be out on the water. Febuaray and March is almost here and some great muskie fishing beit fly rod or conventional. I have a pair of I/cam video glasses that takes good film. When I figure out how to send will put a couple on site for yall to check out.