I got out for a few hours before dark yesterday. Bluegill and big shellcracker are in high gear. I caught a bucket full before it was too dark to see anymore. The bluegill were typical for Old Hickory - decent but just "average" size - but some of the shellcrackers were really nice.
Note for future reference: cleaning a bucket full of bluegill late into the night sucks when you have to work the next day.
The spawn probably peaked with the full moon on Saturday, so I expect it is on the downhill slide now. If you want to get the big shellcrackers on Old Hickory while they're shallow and easy to catch, you probably only have a week or two left to do it before they are done. Find a sheltered cove with a sand or fine gravel bottom and some willow grass, and it's on.
Just before dark, I spotted a few channel cats cruising in the shallow water. If you like catfish and want a bunch, this is the time to get them.