Went camping with some of the pals this weekend. A bunch of fish were caught, the wind was rough, and I enjoyed a nice 9 year Knob Creek. I wish I would have had my camera because we banged some good fish.
Pal, thanks for getting camp ready, pal thanks for getting the knot out of my 5wt. Pal a PITF for you (we are going to let it slide, but learn how to net a fish and climb a hill.) Pals's great to see you floating on Sunday. Knob Creek is top shelf in my book. I could never drop that kind of jack on whiskey, but it is good to have a friend who does.
To the rest of the team....Goodnight and $hitty hockey..... bunch of greedy canadians/europeans who try to understand finances with dumb@ss americans that put this country in a economic downfall for three years running. I almost feel like Obama had this entire weather thing planned. Unbelievable-next we are going to get free healthcare. WEEEEEEEE---Hook a Pal up--genuine back injury.... come on Dr. you know the drill. I complain you write a script; next thing you know we see each other at a rave. (not judging, just saying)
I'm out--long drifts, small indicators, and smaller stoneflies.
OP---gordie, you know the original pal, but he is dead to me so now I am the OP....feels good to get that off my chest,
Original Pal