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Invasive Carp

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So I've heard these fish are pretty awesome to eat. I've seen how they can be cleaned to be boneless. Is anyone trying to capitalize on this yet? If it's as good as I hear and they should be easy to net, we should be seeing them locally caught in the supermarket by now, but I don't. Why not? I'd love to try some. They would be safer and I'd feel better eating them then I do eating Swai and tilapia imported from Asia.

MN Fishing Bum:
Heard of a few restaurants in the Midwest serving them.   

You can get them fresh at the K and S International Market on Charolette Pike here in Nashville.
Never tried them.

jarrod white:
where's the beef :)

WHATTTTTTT-----I was hard up for food in 2002 when I lost my first job and my wife was in nursing school. I ate anything that swam besides carp, and some nights I just ate rice because we could not afford meet.  Why in the hell would you eat that carp or talapia in that matter.  Nothing against the folks that do, but eat redfish or snook or at the least a bass....Carp, eeesh I will sell papers before that.  Come to think of it I will not sell papers I would go wait tables and by some peter pan peanut butter. 

Not Judging, just saying,


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