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Craft Brewed


Holy smokes! A great place to try good beer..... just getting in a few minutes after midnight.

Steve H:
Haven't been yet but I have heard good things. That building was a dry cleaner for as long as I remember.

I will be heading there this week.

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I love Craft Brewed!  Great place!  Also, Thew Filling Station next to Edley's on 12 South.  A mini-growler can be filled for 5 bucks, and it equates to about 3 beers - 3 quality beers.  I am not a big fan of the full-sized growlers, as they always seem to go flat on me.  But I can drink a mini in 2 evenings and it tastes great.

The Green Flash IPA at Craft Brewed is slammin!

They also have a great section for home brew - getting really close to buying a kit and giving it a try!   ::)

Went to Craft Brewed a week and a half ago for my wife's birthday. Well we started at the Black Abby, then Craft Brewed, and ended up at Urban Grub.

At Craft Brewed I had the Stoudts Oktoberfest, Czann's Old School IPA, and Duck-Rabbit Milk Stout. We picked up Flying Dog Pearl Necklace Oyster Stout < this stuff is awesome. Also picked up some Narragansett Imperial Bohemian Pilsner which is pretty good.

At The Black Abby we had two samplers, and I liked The Rose the best.

At Urban Grub I enjoyed a Lion Stout, but the time before I had the Pork Slap and it was great.

I run a kayak fishing series out of Nashville and last week one of my anglers brought be a Ten Fidy by Oskar Blues and it made a great dinner.



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