Caney Fork Trout Fly Fishing - Caney Fork Trout Guide


Striper, Trout, Smallmouth, and Musky, guide trips in the Nashville area. Our home waters are Cumberland and Caney Fork River and our specialty is fly fishing for Trout and Stripers.

~Our tradition is that of the first man who sneaked away to the creek when the tribe did not really need fish~

Author Topic: Just polking around...  (Read 4039 times)

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Just polking around...
« on: August 23, 2013, 08:18:11 PM »
So I had today off and went to play in SE TN. I've had mixed success in this area before but wanted to try some new water and had been salivating over a couple valleys on Google Earth and my gazetteer.

The first creek of the day started out with deep swimming holes that were filled with loads of creek chubs. Once you get up the first high-gradient stretch the creek levels out.

and seemed awfully warm for trout right now. You know things are dire when I start taking photos of cardinalflowers.

Not even any chanterelles or cool herps to keep my interest up. After a mile or so I headed back to the car and headed deeper into the NF, up twisting dirt roads and down winding switchbacks. This looked more promising.

The first cast got hammered, as did the second, and third.

The creek just kept looking better and better.

and every place there should have been a fish, there was a fish.

Nothing huge, but I never switched from the stimi…


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Re: Just polking around...
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2013, 08:56:22 PM »
Nice! I like the looks of this place.

Reminds me. You know its about time to start thinking about lake run fish....
In the fell clutch of circumstance/I have not winced nor cried aloud,/Under the bludgeonings of chance/My head is bloody, but unbowed.


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Re: Just polking around...
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2013, 09:14:07 PM »
Funny you should bring that up. I was thinking about that yesterday... and got some good intel on those red and green oddballs.

Steve H

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Re: Just polking around...
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2013, 10:17:47 AM »
Beautiful water Dave!
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