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tobacco pipe

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I was lookin into getting this pipe anybody know anything about tobacco pipes http://www.ebay.com/itm/190919754419?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649

Steve H:
As you are just starting out, go pick up some corn cobs. They are cheap and will help you get the hang of it and you won't feel bad if you mess them up.

If you decide it is your cup of tea, then go spend some decent money on a nice pipe.

im gonna order this cheap pipe and see how it goes I tried corn cob and liked it thanks for the help which pipe tobacco is good?

I prefer a corn cob if its a Missouri Meerschaum. They seem to burn cooler to me.

If you can stop by a place in Murfreesboro called The Humidor they have some called TN Sunset. It's amazing good and all TN gown tobacco.

what general brands are good that everybody carries dad said the stuff in pouches is usually bad that buying it out of a jar by the oz is better?


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