I've always liked to start the New Year fishing, thanks to Glenn wanting to do the same, we hit it again. The skippies were very cooperative & i soon became bore & started thinking about fish tacos
Lesson learned, leave the 3 wt at home & bring something that likes to cast 40 in the wind with a bobber & nymph, managed to bring the start of a meal home, i know why one gentleman we talked to said he wanted 50 of them.
Glenn wasn't to interested & kept on pestering the skippies, catching a few good ones & a few funny looking fish to
Despite the crowds, everyone was cordial & picked their own water, we had a good conversation with one fella that was enjoying the day as much as we were.
Glen brought a bottle of single malt & we decided to rest the arms a bit, have a shot or three & reflect a little. We caught fish, had some laughs, ragged each other's catch, good conversation with other's even though we were the only ones with the funny rods.
I hope to repeat the day many times over this year with Glenn & other friends, oh yeh, if we catch a fish, it;s a bonus