Caney Fork Trout Fly Fishing - Caney Fork Trout Guide


Striper, Trout, Smallmouth, and Musky, guide trips in the Nashville area. Our home waters are Cumberland and Caney Fork River and our specialty is fly fishing for Trout and Stripers.

~Our tradition is that of the first man who sneaked away to the creek when the tribe did not really need fish~

Author Topic: C-Land river around Obey confluence  (Read 2641 times)

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C-Land river around Obey confluence
« on: June 26, 2007, 07:26:55 PM »
I'm taking a trip with my 11 year old son, another dad and his 10 year old son the 4th of July week. We were planing to fish on the KY side around McMillian's Ferry but reports suggest we should try something else. We're thinking about fishing the C-river / Obey confluence and the Cordell Hull tail race down to the Caney Fork confluence. We're prepared for striper, trout and walleye. I really want to put the boys on fish; any advise would be a blessing. Thanks.


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Re: C-Land river around Obey confluence
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2007, 12:48:04 PM »

I'm not personally up to date on the reports from the area but I remember reading a report somewhere on this board by Clay, I think, that recently they've been doing pretty well with sauger and walleye on the Cumberland trolling shad raps and something else I don't remember at the moment.  That would seem to be a pretty low impact way to get the kids hooked up with something that would also happen to be good on the table.

Good luck.



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Re: C-Land river around Obey confluence
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2007, 01:32:02 PM »
They aren't running much water but if you’re somewhat familiar with the area and the methods you should still have a pretty good shot at a Striper at either location. Skipjack or Shad would be my bait of choice for conventional fishing. I don’t know about the Walleye or Sauger.

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Re: C-Land river around Obey confluence
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2007, 05:54:54 PM »
This is the thread I was remembering.....