Owning a jet boat has to be one angling's greatest pleasures

People either love them or hate them.
This boat opened up so much water to me, never thought I would sell it.

Rob (owns Shawnee/Supreme) kept on me about the 207XP, we made a deal and traded

I wanted a roller trailer but Rob talked me out of it, he doesn't see the need for them, but Rob lives in Arkansas, it may be a poor state but if it's a ditch with a semi constant water source, it will have a ramp that makes the ones on the Caney look bad.

I always go visit Rob and the crew, great bunch of guys. Told him during Oct. Conclave, love the rig but wish I had got the roller option trailer, he told me what EZ Loader (next door) would charge me to convert, but he said go look at the blue boat in shop. (he's tried multiple times to put me in a 16') I went and looked we talked maybe 10 minutes, he had a meeting in town, I chewed on it and went out on the last day again, we made a deal. Left the boat (offered for me to bring 207XP home and bring it back when mine was finished) came home and penciled down what I wanted, pretty same as I had, added two glassed cup holders. I kept going back and forth about oars, decided against them, I have 24V trolling on front.
This is the boat just getting started in the mold.
I fish probably 90%+ by myself, reason I wanted roller trailer, as he said unhook it and it rolls off in the parking lot, so I can launch in boat unfriendly Tennessee

Has a custom 48" rear deck

Will have a new Yamaha 40/30 Jet hanging off the rear when I pick her up