I asked a bunch of y’all about your boats when I was making the decision on what to replace mine with, so I thought I’d share the outcome here: a Shawnee 1648!
Rob and his crew are awesome - integrity and understatement in a world of hype. They don’t pretend that their boats will do everything, but they are awesome at what they do. He could have upsold me a hundred different ways but chose not to.
I wanted more real estate and better small jet performance and I got it. She planes immediately with my small Merc 20 and gets up to almost 20mph. The storage is awesome and my daughter is over the moon with “her” seat. I won’t even have to carry a boat bag.
Thanks for the advice, fellas. I spent some hours on the phone with a few of you and got a little fishing in with Darnell. See y’all on the river.
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