ah haha, i was reading up on that yesterday & going over the map, all i need is a jet boat to get me past a certain creek & backup & i'm in like Flynn
I don't know why they make such a big fuss over them, they're really rather easy to catch, why, in my hour & half for fishing for them, i'll hookup at least once
Yep, i've got some big 'ol # 8 flies tied up & ready to go, CB says the Tug is the Drug, boys these things have a tug like no other freshwater fish that i've felt.
33" is the legal length in TN, legal for what i'm not sure, once you get the primitive looking thing in the boat, the only thing you're thinking about is getting it out of there.
That is unless you're name is Mike A, he sits back there & says the fly fell out of his mouth, put it back in for a pic, i'm thinking, is he crazy, did he not see those rows of teeth
Man, i'm ready to do it again, might not ever catch another one, i think we will & i got's the idea of where to go.