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How bout that Superbowl?


Just kidding. I don't watch that crap! Spent the day doing something worthwhile vs being lectured to by the super wealthy. I tied up some bugs and built a fishing rod.

Good morning Pals,

Best thing about the game,  Watching athletes get up after doing their job and start dancing around and patting themselves on the back.  Imagine if you did your job and then started yelling into a camera.  "thats right lets go, I just created a freaking pivot table and it worked, Lets go."  Its your job pal

I digress....

going fishing during lunch its 75 degrees here today and high tide at 1:00.


Steve H:
There was a game on?  :o

I stopped watching these overpaid asshats last year with all their SJW messaging. Yeah, a hard pass.

I loaded some ammo and made some wings on the BGE to enjoy.

The only game or sport i watch, it was nice to lay low for the day, pew pew a little bit & watch the old Goat prove he can be a winner at his age.


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