I think it's good to go. I have a few small bugs to work out but all in all it seems to be back to normal. Godaddy upgraded the shared hosting server this site was on and conveniently left out half of the files for the site during the migration. They had to find a backup on their end. It's 100% their fault. In case you wondered.
If you are still having issues please post them here. If you can't log in call me at 615 617-9032 and I'll get it worked out.
Thanks for hanging in there. I've done all I can do but its up to you guys if this board remains worthy of reading. We need content and it seems everyone has either gotten lazy, quit fishing, or tired of dealing with crowds and don't want to post anything. Either way this place gives you a great place to store information and search for it years later (unike facebook). When I'm in a slump I go way back and see what I and everyone else was doing 5 years ago at that time of year. It'd be nice to not have such a dead sace for the next several years...